The Doonie Fund: Supporting Black Women Entrepreneurs (UPDATED)

Kathryn Finney
2 min readMar 30, 2020

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.”

  • Theodore Roosevelt

In honor of Doonie, I personally donated $10,000 for the creation of the “Doonie Fund”. Through generous donations from friends, family, and key partners like UBS, Pivotal, and Impact Seat, The Doonie Fund swelled to over $150,000, giving out over 1500 micro investments to Black women entrepreneurs in less. Click here to learn more about The Doonie Fund.

My grandmother Doonie was an entrepreneur. As a single mom, she ran her own seamstress business, sewing for many women in the working-class Milwaukee community of my youth. My first successful company, The Budget Fashionista, was the direct result of the summers I spent with her, combing through thrift stores and learning how to make patterns out of newspaper.

I was 10 years old when I learned that my grandmother’s real first name is Kathryn and the lessons the original Kathryn taught me about being a Black woman entrepreneur, about creating beauty is the reason why I’m here today.

I was able to enter the arena because of her.

Doonie and I. Yes, she made the entire outfit, including the hat.

I want you to know that I SEE YOU and I hope this encourages you to stay in the arena!

The universe is conspiring for your greatness.



Kathryn Finney

Builder of Awesome Things | CEO & Founder Genius Guild. More info: